A buyer persona is a semi-fictitious representation of the ideal consumer for your business. It is generally built on data from market research, competitors, and current customer profiles. A business can have as many buyers as deemed necessary.
Creating buyer personas is not synonymous with describing the business's target audience. Rather, it means developing a specific profile of the desired audience to be shared with the marketing, sales, and customer service departments.
Likewise, the generation of buyers will serve all the departments of the company and especially the marketing team to create campaigns, advertisements, blogs, downloadable resources and strategies based on concrete data within a plan of inbound marketing.
Having buyer personas will help you segment and know in depth your ideal customers to boost the business. It will allow you to personalize your emails through segmentation, build content on your website by taking the pain points of clients and understand how they develop in their work / personal environment to develop appropriate strategies.
In the same way, you will be able to generate specific content for social networks and perfect the conversion funnel by giving each desired lead what they need according to the stage they are in.
The creation of the ideal segment will be useful since it will allow you to contextualize certain aspects and behaviors of the desired lead and create aligned strategies to attract, interact and delight them. Also, by delving into their interests, motivations, fears and needs, you will speak the same language, capturing their attention and increasing the possibilities of purchase.
By being able to understand the target's purchasing decisions, it is possible to create marketing and sales resources for each buyer and thus increase relevance and interest, and, therefore, the conversion rate.
As can be seen, the ideal customer profile is an essential tool for all teams in a company, as it will provide valuable information and open possibilities to improve the prevailing communication, marketing and sales strategies.
El primer paso para desarrollar la representación de tu cliente potencial es asignarle un nombre y un avatar. Se busca humanizar los conceptos abstractos del cliente e identificarlo de alguna manera, that is why it is essential to provide aspects such as an image and a name.
Regarding how information is collected to create buyers, the most complete profiles usually come from in-depth research and contain a significant amount of data both your personal and professional profile.
To obtain this data, you can conduct personal interviews with current customers, request information from the sales, marketing and customer service team, or analyze information from other sources. Along the same lines, it is also valid collect data on the desired segment from market studies and investigate what the audience of the main competitors in the industry is like.
Estos son los pasos para crear a tu buyer persona:
Puedes crear tantos buyer personas como tu empresa necesite y cada uno con un perfil diferente. Estos son una guía clave al momento de hacer inbound marketing ya que sabrás exactamente cuáles son las necesidades e intereses de tus clientes potenciales y podrás atraer, interactuar y deleitar al mismo con acciones y contenido de valor.
Para que el negocio crezca exponencialmente es vital contar con una estrategia de alineación de equipos de trabajo. La creación de los perfiles del público target ayudarán a que esa colaboración sea eficiente y exitosa.
A CRM software es una excelente opción para integrar a los equipos de ventas, postventa y marketing ya que automatiza procesos, potencia las ventas, mejora la comunicación interna y une los esfuerzos de los equipos. Asimismo, es una herramienta clave dentro de una estrategia de marketing digital.
A la hora de alinear a los equipos, resulta importante mantener actualizadas las definiciones de los buyers. Si bien la responsabilidad de definir los buyers recae sobre el departamento de marketing, el área comercial debe tomarse el tiempo de revisar, colaborar en el armado de los buyers proporcionando información relevante sobre clientes y el mercado y adaptar las definiciones como así también lo que significa un lead deseado, un MQL, un SQL, una oportunidad y un cliente no deseado.
Empieza a crear tus buyers personas hoy mismo con estas plantillas gratuitas para desarrollar tu estrategia empresarial, alinear tus equipos y potenciar tus ventas.
DOWNLOADABLE: Free template to design your buyer personas